Friday, October 30, 2009


We look for it. We need it. We feel sad when we dont have it. People who cannot understand it are always lonely, sad and hence cruel. It eludes us. It hurts us. It confuses us. It enchants us. It fills us with a warmth so beautiful and magical that we dont notice the biting cold. It takes away our sleep. It is there on our minds, when we are pensive, alone and lost in thoughts.

What is it that makes us look for love? Some look for it in friendship, some in casual relationships. Others, who are intutive, believe in love at first sight and look for some guesture, mannerism or any sign from people which shows them that this is what they have been waiting for.

I believe that love only comes to those who are loving by nature. A selfish person cannot hope to find true love. True love only comes to those who are kind, generous and loving by nature. The Gita says that Wealth only comes to those who dont care for it much, are dispassionate towards materialistic joys, and know how to use whatever wealth they get for the betterment of humanity. Wealth does not come to those who desparately seek it for personal gains. The same also applies to Love. It cant be found. It can only be created and spread. And what you send to the world will come back to you, multifold.

So dont go looking for love. Love the people around you - your friends, family, society, even nature and its creations. Love your enemies too - it never hurts to forgive what is unimportant. It will heal you of your wounds and help you move on. And the magical experiance which you have been dreaming about will come to you. Wait for it to happen. Some things are best left to God. Life is like an ocean. If you try to fight it, you will drown. Have faith in fate, and let the current guide you. You will reach the beautiful shore, safe and sound.

1 comment:

  1. Its dripping...yr thoughts r full of this elusive emotion..i may sound inane..with time emotions do v have 2 learn to preserve d ecstasy of luv given/recd.

    with luv..
