Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Infatuation. It is defined (by me, as i have no time to quote other people) as the state of mind when a person covets a person, object or state of life very badly and changes his\her behaviour to what he\she feels would help him\her achieve it. Whew!! I bored myself by this. Let me see if I can write anything better.

Ahh. Infatuation is mostly commonly used to describe "crushes".. those flutters in our hearts when we meet someone who, by our standards, is simply too amazing, sweet or irresistable. Usually, looks are the main criteria for producing this state of mind. I allow myself to go off into a tangent here and remember my first crush... It was Hrithik Roshan in KNPH when
I was 14... Ahh....how I hated and cursed my braces then...

Where was I?? Yes.. crushes. When we wait for that special someone each day to appear beofre us. When any sign of recognition from that person makes us feel like we have attained nirvana. When our sole existence seems to depend on that 1 person's attention. When we dress, talk, walk, eat and sleep to impress that one person. And when they come in front of us, we suddenly become aware of things like how long and stupid our arms must look, or whether we have combed our hair, or that comfy T-shirt which . is really stupid, or !!! Yipes!!! Did we remember to spray on deo??? When we feel that if we get the love of that 1 person, we will be happy forever , and will need nothing further from life.

One would assume that infatuation of this sort is usually under one's control, and is restricted to teenage. After gaining experiance and wisdom, one appreciates the value of a true and honest relationship, and thus, makes few mistakes later due to infatuation, they ultimately get into a deep, meaningful relationship.

This, sadly isn't the case. Look at all the people around you. Some people have a penchant for complicating their lives. Even though they are in a relationship, which probably took god only knows, how many sleepless nights, scheming and wondering with friends, sweaty hand shakes, shy flurried glances, hours spent in deciding the "right look", or in some worse cases, marriage!!etc etc, they will still let their minds wander in other directions after a while, and look at newer pastures, and the whole cycle repeats, This time with a new complication - what do we do with the one we have already???

Infatuation does not limit itself to the heart alone. It extends to almost every sphere of life... anything that people are capable of complicating. It extends to friendships, career decisions, higher studies, businesses, entertainment, etc.

Take us (me, and my peers at my B-skool) for example. When we first joined MBA course, we were all brimming with enthusiasm and joy. We were all determined to excel and shine in everything, be it placements, classroom discussuons, exams, presentations, committees... the works. Everybody was punctual to ever class, everybody wanted to be a part of everything and anything, everyone wanted to do everything all at once and were ready to lose sleep over it. And we did. There was so much particaipation in every damn thing, that seniors had to conduct full fledged interviews (with 3-4 rounds) for committee memberships, we had to have polls conducted in class for electing the Class and subject representatives. And the attendance.... so full that it was impossible to get a decent place to sit if one had the misfortune to be late.

And now. The infatuation is over, the illusions are gone. Hardly anyone attends class. No one attends the meetings of any of the committees they had joined with so much enthusiasm. When they finally do, they are late, moaning and groaning, and reluctant to the point of annoyance. Today was the 1st day of the new trimester. No one wanted to be an SR. The existing ones wanted to renounce their posts.

What causes this? Is it that we attach too many expectations when we venture into something? Is it that the thing that we coveted so much was wrongly pscyhed before us by other people that we get so infatuated in the first place? When we like something so much, and work so hard for it, why is it that after a while, its all gone, like a dream? What kind of people are we, that we dont honour our decisions after we take them, or dont listen to our hearts before making those decisions?? Why do we complicate our lives so??